sexta-feira, setembro 01, 2006

Passar os olhos nesta peça:

"It is tempting to argue that the most remarkable thing about September 11th, five years on, is how little it has changed America.
Many features of the political landscape are much as they were on September 10th—a polarising president, an electorate divided almost 50-50 in terms of party allegiance, a Republican Party that loves to wrap itself in the flag and a Democratic Party more worried about outsourcing than terrorism. But look more deeply and you find dramatic changes."

Artigo no Economist intituado "America's longest war".

PS: Mi voi amanhã aos algarves durante as duas semanitas do costume. Podemos marcar um jantarinho para o fim de Setembro? Beijos grandes para as minhas meninas!

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

fim de semtembro? pode ser..